Volunteer @ HRL

In-Library Volunteering

Our volunteers are amazing! They help us with fundraising, exam invigilation, programs, and a lot more. To read more about volunteering at the library click here.  Feel free to leave your contact information with us and we'll let you know when new openings are available. 

We are always looking for energetic volunteers to join the Friends of the High River Public Library Society!

Join the Friends of the High River Library and make our library even better!

The Friends support the goals of the library, volunteer for the library, and promote the library in the community through fundraising, programs, and advocacy.

Where does the money go? 
  • the library's outdoor patio
  • new tables and chairs
  • refurbishment of meeting rooms
  • tablets and computers
  • board games
  • self check station
  • children's activity stations
  • technology equipment and kits
  • and more!
How do we raise money?

We hold several fundraisers throughout the year including a semi-annual book sale. Have a great idea? Join us and share it! By becoming a Friend, you can make a real difference to the library and provide a community resource for everyone in High River.

The Friends of the High River Public Library Society is a registered Canadian charity. Donations are gratefully accepted. You can donate here.  

High River Library Board

Interested in volunteering in an advocacy and governance capacity? Consider membership on the Town of High River Library Board. While the board is full for the 2023/2024 term, openings do come up periodically as terms end or as trustees have other commitments.