Membership Agreement

These terms are an agreement between High River Library and you as a member. These terms apply to membership for library services, borrowing services, and use of your library account. By using the library’s services, you accept these terms. You are bound by these terms even if you do not read all the terms. 

  1. Access to and use of library services requires a library membership. Upon registration with the library you agree to these terms and you become a member.
  2. Children under the age of 18 and others lacking in capacity require consent of a parent or guardian. Guardians are responsible for activity on a child's card until the child is 19 years of age. Adults may not borrow material for their own use on youth or children's library cards.
  3. All personal information provided by the member to the library is correct and current. The member will notify the library in a timely manner of changes in personal information.
  4. The membership commences on the date the account is first created and continues for one year.
  5. The library may from time to time amend the membership agreement or any code of conduct, policy or bylaw. The updated information is immediately effective.
  6. As part of library services, the member is permitted to borrow materials from the library in accordance with conditions imposed by the library. The member may also have access to third party electronic materials licensed by the library. It is the responsibility of the member to read and accept the terms of use for third party licensed materials. 
  7. The member accepts responsibility for all items borrowed on their library card and for any charges on items that are overdue, lost, or damaged.
  8. The member’s personal information collected for the purpose of creating, updating or maintaining the account is collected under the authority of the Libraries Act, RSA 2000, c. L-11 and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, c. F-25 and will be used by the library only to provide and enhance library services and for internal research and statistical purposes. The library may share personal information collected from the member with other libraries within TRAC or where the member has chosen to participate in a reciprocal borrowing arrangement such as the Alberta Library Card or the MeLibraries program. Unless the member has withdrawn consent, the library may use the member’s personal information to contact the member to inform members of upcoming due dates on library materials and to share news about library services and resources, upcoming events and programs, and opportunities to support the library. If the member has any questions about the collection and use of their personal information, they may contact the library director.
  9. The member shall comply with the membership agreement and any library code of conduct, policy or bylaw. The member must use library services in compliance with applicable laws, including those relevant to copyright and the use of the internet. If the member breaches any provision of the membership agreement or any library code of conduct, policy or bylaw, then the library may terminate and/or suspend the member’s account, access to library services and associated library privileges.
  10. The member agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the library, its directors, officers, employees and agents, from and against all third party claims and legal proceedings of every kind whatsoever arising from or in any way related to the member’s use of the account, including all legal costs incurred by the library in the defense of such claims and proceedings.